Preserving Jaw Structure with Denture Implants

When it comes to missing teeth, particularly for older individuals, the most commonly known remedy are dentures. From an aesthetic standpoint, dentures do get the job done in replacing a person’s missing teeth. Unfortunately, the removable variety does have its drawbacks.
Contrary to what most people believe, the bones in the jaw, like most in the body, continue to alter even after a person is already grown up. In the event that there are missing teeth, the lack of stability can lead to bone loss, which significantly alters a person’s facial features.

The eventual change in jaw structure also leads to temporary dentures not fitting as well as when it was originally made, making the denture uncomfortable for the wearer. There’s then the chance of the denture sliding or floating round as they talk or chew, which also limits the way they eat.
Fortunately, there are now denture implants that can make the fixture permanent. Similar to dental implants, titanium fixtures are placed into the jawbone to serve as the roots which hold the teeth. The only difference is that there is now no need for a post for each individual tooth as the posts will collectively hold the permanent denture.

The inserted posts still provide the needed stability to prevent bone loss, yet the process won’t be as tedious as drilling in many posts for the missing teeth. As the denture will be permanent, the wearer does not have to worry about it moving, sliding, or their jaw eventually becoming misaligned. 


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