The Triangle of Death

Do you know that somewhere in your body is an area called “The Triangle of Death”? Very few people have heard of the term, let alone know what it means and where it's located. But be assured, it's a real area, and you have it.

To find out where this area is, draw an imaginary line from the outer tip of one eyebrow to another. Now draw two imaginary lines from these tips down to where they meet in the center of your chin. The area in the middle of the lines you just drew is the Triangle of Death.

That part of your body is named as such because within it are structures that are prone to infection, namely, the mouth, the nose, and the eyes. These parts lie very close to the brain and heart, and it's this proximity that makes infections in these areas fatal. This is the reason dental procedures such as extractions or root canals should never be done without first administering antibiotics to the patient.

There have been cases when infection from bad teeth reached the bloodstream and went directly to the heart, causing death. Thus, it's important that you find a reliable dentist who can ensure that your dental work will be infection-free, or commence a course in antibiotics if infection is present.


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