Mini Denture Implants: Transforming the Field of Dental Restoration
Normally, patients have to go through additional surgeries to make room in the bone for larger denture implants. One example is the sinus lift procedure, which involves bone grafting to strengthen the implant’s foundation, particularly if the subject tooth is an incisor. This may require another three to four months of healing before the actual dental implant surgery can proceed. Additional procedures like this certainly add to the cost and prolong the process.
As one can see, traditional dental implant surgery can be invasive, costly, and time-consuming. For a more convenient and efficient option, patients can consider high-quality mini implants offered by a trusted dental office like Dentures Done Right.
As one can see, traditional dental implant surgery can be invasive, costly, and time-consuming. For a more convenient and efficient option, patients can consider high-quality mini implants offered by a trusted dental office like Dentures Done Right.
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