Keep Dentures Clean, Keep Infection at Bay

Did you know wearing your dentures to sleep increases your risk of acquiring pneumonia? That’s according to recent findings published in the Journal of Dental Research. The study, which involved 453 senior denture wearers in Japan, also found that the habit puts you more at risk for developing tongue or dental plaque and gum inflammation, aside from respiratory illness.

The main reason why sleeping with your dentures on may be problematic is because of the bacteria and other microorganisms that could be on the dental prosthesis. Throughout the night while you’re drawing breaths in, you could be inhaling these infectious microbes or letting them invade your mouth. That’s why it’s important to remove your dentures, clean them, and perform your prescribed oral hygiene measures, too, before you sleep.

Same goes for denture implants. Similar to conventional dentures, they have to be removed every night and cleaned daily. Cleaning your gums and the rest of your mouth should not be neglected, either.

If you notice any stains, trapped debris or dirt, and plaque formation on your dental partials, regular dentures, or implant-supported dentures, take them to your dentist to be professionally cleaned. He will use specialized tools and careful techniques to effectively clean the prosthesis without damaging it. At the same time, the dentist can check your overall oral health to comprehensively keep infections at bay.


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Things to Know Before Getting False Teeth

People who’ve lost teeth can have them replaced with the help of skilled dentists. However, they need to know a few things. First, getting full dentures requires the extraction of all remaining teeth. While some people may balk at the thought, it is important to note that the right anesthetics will be used.  Prescriptions will also be given to minimize pain and discomfort, as well as to avoid infections.


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Proper False Teeth Care Helps Prevent Damage that Needs Quick Repair

Smiling does not only make you beautiful, it also helps bring in more friends and life opportunities. Losing one or more of your teeth, on the other hand, can spell disaster to your relationship, job, and business. If only to avoid these unfortunate circumstances, you would want to take care of your teeth to preserve your beautiful smile. However, if you do lose some of your teeth, at least you can replace them with dentures or false teeth. Once you’ve replaced your missing teeth with false ones, you have to make sure to take care of your oral cavity to avoid losing more teeth. Because your false teeth is made of a different material, you may have to take extraordinary measures to care for it compared to when you had complete permanent ones. False teeth are usually made of porcelain, although modern technology now allows for the creation of plastic-based dentures. How false teeth should be taken care of is elaborated in an article for


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Denture Implants for Loose Dentures

Getting dentures is a common go-to solution for people with missing teeth. Many, however, cannot keep up with the demands of maintaining a set. Some couldn’t even get used to having dentures in the first place. Thankfully, these people can improve their lot.

While practice generally makes perfect in eating with dentures, there are some cases when the wearer keeps having difficulty with chewing even after some time. Such a situation is likely the result of ill-fitting or loose dentures. Fortunately, wearers of improperly fitted dentures can head back to their respective dental practitioners and have their false teeth adjusted accordingly.


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